100+ essential wisdoms for navigating life

-Be kind.
-Be loyal.
-Move on.
-Say I less.
-Take risks.
-Earn trust.
-Try harder.
-Be patient.
-Don't stop.
-Be curious.
-Read more.
-Be fearless.
-Smile more.
-Laugh a lot.
-Make noise.
-Ask for help.
-Look around.
-Do not settle.
-Keep moving.
-Listen deeply.
-Pay attention.
-Ask questions.
-Learn. Always.
-Practice more.
-Be courageous.
-Set boundaries.
-Live memorably.
-Have conviction.
-Make memories.
-Observe closely.
-Reflect & ponder.
-Embrace solitude.
-Express creativity.
-Master something.
-Tolerate ambiguity.
-Delay gratification.
-Trust your instincts.
-Keep 'em guessing.
-No rain no rainbow.
-Remain astonished.
-Learn to walk away.
-Say 'no' more often.
-Keep your promises.
-Test. Iterate. Improve.
-Wander with wonder.
-Process > outcomes.
-Just wait. It will come.
-Make the call. Always.
-Look. Watch. Observe.
-Never be too available.
-Do the next right thing.
-Live your life not theirs.
-Be less suspicious of joy.
-Do things that scare you.
-Honor your commitments.
-The right time is right now.
-Build a life you're proud of.
-Focus on the current thing.
-When you mess up, fess up.
-What is right > who is right.
-What I learned > what I did.
-No one said it would be easy.
-Alway remember It will, it will.
-When you don't know, say so.
-Collect blisters > chasing bliss.
-Assign responsibility not blame.
-Listening to your brain is optional.
-Admit mistakes freely and quickly.
-Never mistake attention for action.
-See failures as lessons in progress.
-Expand your sense of the possible.
-Never lie to anyone for any reason.
-Praise > criticism or condemnation.
-Banish expectations expand wonder.
-Banish expectations expand wander.
-Banish expectations expand whimsy.
-Don't borrow trouble from yesterday.
-Find yourself by choosing to get lost.
-Encourage children to ask questions.
-Remind yourself that you wanted this.
-Let others figure it out for themselves.
-Stretch your life with new experiences.
-Watch what they do not what they say.
-Listening is not waiting your turn to talk.
-Be earnest. Know the Earnesty Formula.
-You're never as stuck as you think you are.
-When you're done changing, you're done.
-Success is never final. Failure is never fatal.
-If it doesn't improve on silence, don't say it.
-Embrace change, discomfort & uncertainty.
-Today's struggle builds tomorrow's strength.
-Forget the mistakes. Remember the lessons.
-It's not an apology if it comes with an excuse.
-Show me your friends, I'll show you your future.
-The golden rule may not be cool but it is golden.
-Develop a strong opinion about what to exclude.
-Privilege the simplest explanation. Occam's razor.
-Learn what those around you need and respect it.
-Say hello and thank you more often to more people.
-Let go of what you don't control and cannot change.
-The happiest people are not constantly chasing more.
-Your choice: the pain of regret or the pain of discipline.
-Happen to life instead of allowing life to happen to you.
-Accept the inevitable pain. Avoid the optional suffering.
-You can only ever be as good as you are willing to suck.
-Trust least those who say trust me a/o don't trust them most.
-If you don’t like the rules at their table, build your own table.
-Sometimes do the exact opposite of what they're expecting.
-Reputations take years to build and only seconds to destroy.
-Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be.
-If you're the smartest person in the room, find another room.
-Never play poker with someone named after a city or a color.
-Be bold. Take risks. We only regret the chances we don't take.
-Friction, discomfort, and uncertainty are life's greatest teachers.
-The world doesn't lack beauty, it lacks people who appreciate it.
-Just because it's not your fault doesn't mean it's not your problem.
-Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.
-If you don't respect their advice you should probably ignore their criticism.
-The best listeners ask the best questions. PS: most people aren't listening at all.
-If you're willing to learn no one can stop you. If you're not no one can help you.
-Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
-You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose them wisely.
-Our presence and undivided attention is the best gift we can give others. Just ask children.
-You create opportunities by pursuing them, not by waiting or expecting for them to appear.
-Don't rescue people who don't want to be rescued and be careful about rescuing those who do.
-People come into our lives for only 1 of 4 reasons: to add, subtract, multiply, or divide. Figure out which.
-You learn everything you need to know about a person by how they treat service staff. Do not ignore this.

#growing #learning #life #lists #observations #wisdom