The ride is all there is

I was recently texting with an old friend. This person is normally freewheeling and carefree so it struck me as strange, even concerning, that she sounded so stressed out and consumed by things far in the future that she had no way of controlling for now. At one point I'd heard enough. My inner Buddha sprang into action. This is what I wrote her that day.

Letter to a friend

What's going on with you? These texts are so unlike you. You keep talking about all these possible eventualities decades in the future. Please slow down. You've accomplished so much. You've done so much. It'll all come. I promise you. IT'LL ALL COME. And the best way to ensure it does is to SSLLOOOWWWW (the FCK!) DOWN, TAKE IT ALL IN, and ENJOY THE RIDE because, I assure you, the RIDE IS ALL THERE IS.

Please know that DESTINATION is just another word for FINISH LINES - BEGINNINGS - ENDINGS & REPLAYS. It's all amorphous bullshit because, again, THE RIDE IS ALL THERE IS.

You asked me what you should do? While I'm probably not the right person to answer that question, below are TWO SUGGESTIONS guaranteed to bring a smile to your face, some warmth to your heart, and some relief to your mind.

PS: If neither of these suggestions make you smile, warm your heart, or relieve your mind that might require some looking into. However, if both combined don't do the trick, I'd immediately check for a pulse.


Because the things we're talking about is so important, rather than calling on a weekend wise man like me, you'd do yourself better by reaching for a true poet like John Popper to tell you that sometimes it's best to JUST WAIT

I ask of you a very simple question
Did you think for one minute that you are alone
And is your suffering a privilege you share only
Or did you think that everybody else feels completely at home
Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
And it will come
I hope for you and cannot stop at hoping
Until that smile has once again returned to your face
There's no such thing as a failure who keeps trying
Coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace
Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
And it will come

-Just Wait, Blues Traveler


You wanna feel better?
You wanna feel settled and calm?
You wanna feel your feet on the ground?
OK then, DO THIS...

Get in your car...
Drive out onto the open road...
Roll down all the windows...
YES, even the ones in the back

NEXT take your speed down to like 30-35
even 25...
Turn up the music
Even LOUDER than that

Look around you
Really, really Look
Notice Everything
...the bird launching from that big, beautiful tree
...the elderly couple walking hand-in-hand in the park on the corner
...those two kids on their bikes seeing who can ride the furthest with NO HANDS

...Smell the flowers
...and the freshly cut grass
...and those BBQ's firing up for the first time in six months

Whether you feel like it or not, SMILE
Fake it if you have to
...there you go

NOW comes the most important part
Spin that radio dial or open any music app
I don't care which
Find, search for, look for, or just wait for Paul McCartney's Silly Little Love Songs to come on…. because I assure you it will, it will. It always does...

...and when it does
Sing it out loud like you are TINA FUCKING TURNER

better, right?

#favorites #friendship #idea #life #observations #personal #wisdom